Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved in MANA
MANA Email List
Subscribe to our email list, it’s a fantastic way to communicate with your neighbors. Need to borrow tools or other items? Need advice for remodels, hiring plumbers, electricians or other contractors? Giving away plants, baby clothing or other household items you could pass onto someone that needs them? Looking for information on rules and regulations within our neighborhood and surrounding areas? This is the place. For any questions contact the Communications Coordinator.
Any email sent to will be distributed to all members of this mailing list. Note: You must subscribe to the list in order to post messages.
Commercial use of this mailing list is strictly prohibited!
View the full MANAlist guidelines here.
The Voice Newsletter
The Martin Acres VOICE newsletter is published quarterly and distributed door-to-door by our network of volunteers. It contains interesting news about the neighborhood and ads for neighborhood businesses. The VOICE has been published since 1977 and is the oldest neighborhood newsletter in the City of Boulder.
To submit an article or advertise contact the VOICE Newsletter Content and Advertising Coordinator.
We are the largest neighborhood in Boulder with 62 blocks and are always looking for volunteers to distribute the VOICE. Please contact the VOICE Newsletter Distribution Coordinator if you are interested in helping out.
Click here to read current and past issues of the VOICE newsletter.


Our neighborhood association is always looking for more volunteers for different projects and events. We are always working towards fun and exciting events, like the Annual Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg hunt, informing our members of the goings ons in Boulder in general, political and transportation issues that may affect our neighborhood, among others. We can always use volunteers for neighborhood outreach, event planning, etc. If you are interested, contact the MANA Steering Committee.
Attend A Meeting
One of the best ways to stay informed on issues in our Neighborhood is to attend the monthly MANA meetings held every first Monday of the month. We welcome your input and love to meet our neighbors.